Humidity Monitoring
TempGenius instruments monitor Room Humidity, Incubators, Electronics Manufacturing Areas, Warehouse Humidity, Storage Humidity, and more. Our standard medical grade wireless Humidity monitor sensors are accurate to +/- 2%RH. This device incorporates ambient temperature monitoring, so you can accomplish two goals with one wireless temperature and humidity monitoring sensor.
TempGenius has optional humidity sensors for faster response time as required in shock cambers and other hardware in rapidly changing humidity environments. Please provide us a requirement and we can build a data logging and alerting solution.
We have 17025 Certification, and NIST certification available with various services including annual calibration. We have a variety of ways to recalibrate including:
Sensor Replacement – User can simply snap in new sensor for calibration.
Self-Calibration – Our software and Customer Support make this an easy process.
Site Calibration – We provide door to door rush service calibration (sorry humidity needs chamber calibration).
Hybrid approach – Combination of the above sometimes works best.
We have WIRED options and radio technology for every application including WIFI 2.4GHz and High Power 900MHz transmitters. Our wired options can be used in conjunction with our other Wireless Monitoring Sensors including negative pressure, light, motion and more.